Email Service

Email Service provides a built-in service to send email notifications. The service uses external outbound SMTP mail server.

OSGi service class

OSGi persistent identifier

Configuration file

Router mapping


Outbound Server Configuration

The outbound email server is configured through file in project/conf directory. The following configuration properties are available:

  • host –⁠ SMTP server hostname (e.g. or localhost)

  • port –⁠ SMTP server port (e.g. 25 or 587)

  • debug –⁠ flag indicating whether JavaMail debug mode is enabled (See JavaMail FAQ)

  • auth – SMTP server authentication properties

    • enable – flag indicating whether authentication is required

    • username – account to be used to connect to the SMTP server

    • password – account’s password

  • starttls – SMTP server authentication properties

  • from – default sender email address (optional, can be specified for each email separately)

Example of configuration for Google SMTP server:

  "host" : "",
  "port" : "587",
  "debug" : false,
  "auth" : {
    "enable" : true,
    "username" : "foobar",
    "password" : "wrensecurity"
  "starttls" : {
    "enable" : true
  "from" : ""

Sending Email

Email notifications can be sent in two ways – from a script or through REST API. Both options use the same notification properties:

  • from –⁠ sender email address

  • to –⁠ email recipients (comma-separated list of email addresses)

  • cc – recipients of email copy (comma-separated list of email addresses)

  • bcc –⁠ recipients of email blind copy (comma-separated list of email addresses)

  • subject –⁠ email subject

  • body –⁠ email body

  • type –⁠ email type (text/plain, text/html or text/xml)

Using Script

You can send email notification using action resource with external/email context. In the following example a testing email is sent to

var params = {
  from: '',
  to: '',
  subject: 'Testing Notification',
  type: 'text/plain',
  body: 'This is testing email notification sent from Wren:IDM.'
openidm.action('external/email', 'send', params);


You can send email notification using REST API by sending a HTTP POST request to the /openidm/external/email resource. In the following example a testing email is sent to

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u openidm-admin:openidm-admin \
  -XPOST --data '{
    "subject":"Testing Notification",
    "body":"This is testing email notification sent from Wren:IDM."
   }' \

The following response is returned when the email is sent successfully:

{ "status": "OK" }