
Replication is used to automatically synchronize data between two or more directory server instances. The dsreplication command works over SSL and uses the administration connector. The command can be used in no-prompt or interactive mode.

Enable Replication

First enable replication by using the dsreplication subcommand enable.

./dsreplication enable --no-prompt --trustAll --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
        --adminUID $ADMIN_UID --adminPassword $ADMIN_PASSWORD \
        --host1 $HOSTNAME1 --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" \
        --bindPassword1 $PASSWORD1 --replicationPort1 8989 \
        --host2 $HOSTNAME2 --port2 4444 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" \
        --bindPassword2 $PASSWORD2 --replicationPort2 8989
Parameters have to be adjusted based on your environment settings.

In case no Global Administator (--adminUID) was previously defined for none of the servers, it will be crated using the provided data.

The ADMIN_UID and ADMIN_PASSWORD variables refer to the Global Administrator, which exists in the cn=Administrators, cn=admin data subtree. You can take advantage of the ldapsearch command to view the Global Administrator entry:

./ldapsearch --hostname $HOSTNAME1 --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword $PASSWORD \
        --useSSL --baseDN "cn=Administrators,cn=admin data" --searchScope sub "(objectclass=*)"

If you use replication on two or more server instances already, this subcommand updates the configuration for each server of the replication topology. Therefore it is crucial to execute the subcommand once for each of the server instances.

For further information about subcommand options use the ./dsreplication enable --help command:

Initialize Replication

Once the replication is enabled the data on the destination directory server needs to be initialized. Use the initialize subcommand and specify base DN to replicate the contents from the source server instance.

./dsreplication initialize --trustAll --no-prompt --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
        --adminUID $ADMIN_UID --adminPassword $ADMIN_PASSWORD \
        --hostSource $HOSTNAME1 --portSource 4444 \
        --hostDestination $HOSTNAME2 --portDestination 4444
If you use replication on two or more server instances, you can take advantage of the initialize-all subcommand, which initializes the data on all the directory servers in the topology.